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Frequently Asked Questions

Can students only attend certain schools?

Students may attend the school of their choice.  Schools with a record of poor performance are not recommended.  We want the best for the students.

How are students selected?

All sixth grade classes in San Lucas and surrounding areas are visited in June, after the second semester. Students with good grades are interviewed. If their family economic resources are scarce, these students are offered scholarships or put on our waiting list. If there are questions about the situation of the family (and whether their child qualifies), people in their communities are consulted.

Are there any religious, racial or gender restrictions as to which students get help?


For how many years is a sponsor asked to help a student?

We ask sponsors, where possible, to sponsor a student for the three years of junior high. Some students go on to high school, and sometimes their sponsors wish to continue to help them in the three years of high school - that decision is entirely up to their sponsors.

Do all students succeed?

Unfortunately, no. By their nature, students from poor families live a precarious life. There are natural disasters and family situations. Unfortunately, each year a small number of students drop out. Many others are on their school honor lists. On our Student Showcase page you will see success stories of our graduates.

Is there communication between sponsors and students?

Students normally write to their sponsors three times a year. These letters are emailed to their sponsors. Sponsors are free to email their students via:
(Put "To (student name)" as the email subject

Do you keep track of student progress?

Yes, schools give Rita copies of the students' grades each semester. The schools are visited regularly, some several times a week.  Teachers will often tell Rita if they have concerns about particular students.

How about program overhead costs?

Our Program Director's salary is donated. Her assistant's salary and professional fees for the accountant of the Guatemala non-profit organization are paid from donations given to support our program. All money sponsors send is spent on their scholars and pays tuition and related student expenses (uniform, activities and paperwork charges, school supplies, etc.).

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