How To Sponsor an SLT Student

Step One
Email Rita ( Guatemala Program Director) and (Julie Marcotte, US Executive Director) to inquire about students seeking sponsorship. You will be assigned the next student on our priority list unless you have a specific request. Rita will email you with information about your student and confirm your willingness to sponsor that student.

Step Two
Sponsors are asked to make a 3-year commitment to a student to support him or her through junior high school. Should your student continue to high school, you will have the opportunity to continue your support. Renewal reminders are emailed in late fall.
We gladly accept donations for program-level student activities and administrative support of our program. Your help enables us to keep our administrative costs exceptionally low.
San Lucas Tolimán Scholars is a non-profit organization exempt from income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. A letter acknowledging your donation will be sent to you in January of the year following your donation.

Step Three
We accept payment by personal check (mail or online bill pay), PayPal, and Zelle. The amount for scholarships varies based on grade and course of study.
The amount for students in junior high school is $260/year. The amount for high school students varies – either $275/year or $350/year. Please ask Rita or Julie for the amount for your students.
Mail your check payable to “SLT Scholars” to: SLT Scholars, 34 Hilltop Lane, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116-2720. You will receive an email confirmation for your donation. For PayPal donations, we request an additional $5 per student to cover the PayPal transaction fee. For Zelle donations, we are registered with this email address –
Your annual donation covers enrollment, tuition, and some related school expenses – uniform, shoes, computing activities, and school supplies. Parents are responsible for supplemental costs and dues, but sponsorship covers most expenses.
Throughout the year you will receive letters from your student as well as informational emails about the program from Rita Chajil and Julie Marcotte.